the stakeholder workshops

Executive Summary

The Local Stakeholder Workshop (LSW) is one of the activities in the DiBiCoo program which is directly aimed at key stakeholders in the target countries. Two LSWs were targeted for each target country during the DiBiCoo project period. LSW was firstly initiated to introduce DiBiCoo and as a means to collect and validate the data needed for WP3 such as stakeholder mapping (T3.1), analysis of market conditions (T3.3), identification of local needs related to research and training topics including those related to financing (T3.4 & T3.4) and selecting potential applicants for demo/follower cases (T3.6). However, in practice, LSW has an important role which is not only its stance as one of the tasks in WP3 but also contributes to other WP. For WP2, LSWs have facilitated the sharing the European Biogas market, technologies, and policy/legal framework. In the second series of LSWs, almost every targeted country also took advantage of this moment to introduce a biogas matchmaking platform which is the output of WP4. Through LSW, in addition to the introduction of the platform, feedback and stakeholder contributions were also obtained, either by uploading their company profile, their business opportunity, or just as a visitor.

Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of DiBiCoo activities including LSWs has been delayed, thus causing tight schedule until the end of the project period. Consequently, Argentina was unable to hold the second LSW until the specified time. The existence of restrictions in the targeted country also required the partners to take mitigation measures, such as by considering changing the implementation format without reducing the expected substance—virtual and hybrid. Even though without the second event in Argentina, it did not nevertheless make LSWs unable to achieve its goals. LSWs were attended by more than 600 stakeholders—three times more than targeted—dominated by companies in the biogas sector and government. In terms of quality, the limitations of the implementation of LSWs were also able to identify the expected number of prospective demo/follower cases, as well as successfully provide a room for sharing and discussing local biogas issues, for example biogas upgrading product (biomethane), digestate utilization, and issues related to technology and financing that underline the urgency of having an integrated biogas matchmaking platform.

This deliverable has not been approved by the EU as of yet.

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