Executive Summary
The result-oriented report (D1.2) is a summary of the main findings and learnings of the EU-funded Project “Digital global Biogas Cooperation (DiBiCoo)”.
The overall objective of the project was to support the European biogas/biomethane/gasification industry by preparing markets for the export of sustainable biogas/biomethane/gasification technologies from Europe to developing and emerging countries, specifically to South Africa, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, and Argentina as the five selected target countries of DiBiCoo. Therefore, the development and application of innovative digital and non-digital support tools and actions, knowledge transfer and capacity building as well as the preparation of demo cases was implemented.
The specific objectives of the DiBiCoo project achieved are:
- The facilitation of cooperation between relevant biogas stakeholders from Europe with stakeholders from developing and emerging countries.
- The compilation and provision of information for all stakeholders on available European biogas technologies as well as on the framework conditions, market opportunities, research needs, financing opportunities and project opportunities from the biogas sectors in importing countries.
- The implementation of the “DiBiCoo Capacity Building and Networking Programme” which included matchmaking events, study tours, business design trainings and capacity building trainings on biogas related topics. All in all, 146 stakeholders participated in the study tours, 475 attended the capacity building trainings combined, 642 attended the web seminars in total and more than 50 joined the business design trainings.
- The development of the digital, open-source, and free Biogas and Gasification Matchmaking Platform. Enabling stakeholders to identify suitable business partners and business opportunities from the biogas sectors worldwide. As of today, more than 200 company profiles updated to the database. In addition, an extensive knowledge base has been established, providing valuable reports, virtual study tours and factsheets on various aspects of biogas project development.
- Supporting the development of at least five biogas projects in target countries as “demo cases” with technical concepts and elaborating on social, economic and environmental sustainability. The five demo projects trigger an estimate of 30.5 Mio EUR investment and have an installed capacity of 18.3 MW (total energy generated 121.7 GWh), leading to 313.5 kt/year waste treated and over 100.000 t/year GHG emissions reduced.
- The additional 20 follower cases with an estimated installed capacity of 34.8 MW (463.5 GWh energy generated) would additionally trigger more than 85 Mio. EUR investment.
- The exchange on national, regional and local policies supporting further biogas market uptake in the target countries by means of developing and disseminating best practices i.a. from the demo cases. In many events policy makers participated and key documents on legal and financial aspects, as well as market conditions in all target countries were discussed.
This document will showcase how the objectives of the project were reached, what obstacles the project had to face and what conclusions made and lessons learned. Furthermore, this report addresses the impact of the project ́s activities and efforts.
To assess this, an extensive ex-post survey was distributed to biogas and gasification stakeholders in Europe and the five target countries. The results of this ex-post survey are presented in this report as well.
This deliverable has not been approved by the EU as of yet.
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