Biogas and Gasification Matchmaking Platform

About the platform:

The DiBiCoo Digital Matchmaking Platform is an online platform that was developed to connect countries that import and export biogas technologies. It acts as a database of biogas/gasification related stakeholders with an additional feature for matchmaking and business application publishing. The platform enables markets in developing and emerging countries to import sustainable biogas and biomethane technologies from Europe.

Biogas and Gasification Matchmaking Platform in a nutshell

  • Biogas and Gasification Matchmaking Platform is an online platform which acts as a database of biogas/gasification related stakeholders with an additional feature for matchmaking and business opportunity publishing.
  • Within the platform, users can define criteria and find company profiles that best suit their needs.
  • The business opportunities section is developed for publishing user needs and requests for potential new business collaborations.
  • Platform notifications will inform the user about positive matchmaking results.
  • You can actively participate in the improvement of the platform by participating in the user survey or contacting the developer team from Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.

See the Biogas and Gasification Matchmaking Platform video to get a complete picture of what we do.